Friday, March 21, 2014

Five on Friday

Thought I would do a quick five on Friday update to catch up on everything from the week. 
1.  Parade of Readers continues.  Ben is up to 331 books.  Yes!!  He even got a second name plate to put all his chains on this week.  Matt has put a limit on how many books he can read next week. 
 2.  We are so excited it is finally spring!  Now the weather hasn't really gotten the memo that it is spring (expecting temps in the 20's next week) but we are still excited for it.  I am loving Kate's new spring clothes.  Kate and Kaylee looked so cute yesterday in their spring clothes. 
 3.  Loving that spring also means more time outside.  The kids are loving it as well.  It does mean crazy allergies which none of us are loving. 
 4.  Matt and I got to have a fun date night last night.  We went with Brad and LeeAnn to dinner and then to see Jersey Boys.  We have a history of going to see shows together.  I think we were the youngest people there but it was a good musical. 
 5.  It is spring break!!!!!  We have been counting down the days.  So exciting.  We don't have any big plans.  Matt is off for the week which will be wonderful.  We might do a some short trips.  The break will start tonight with cupcakes and Frozen!!! 

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