Monday, April 21, 2014

An "Egg"-cellent Friday

Lots happened over the past few days so I need to do some blogging to catch back up.  I will start with Friday.  It was a day filled with egg fun!  It started with Kate's little Easter party at school.  They had an Easter brunch and a visit from the Easter bunny in their classroom.  

 Then they went outside for an all out egg hunt.  Kate was intense grabbing those eggs.  She had fun playing with her sweet little girl friends.

 Friday night we did our annual egg dye.  We invited Kelly and Perry along with Kristen to join us this year.  Matt was at Secret Church so we missed him but it was still fun.  We had 12 different colors and the kids really got into the dying this year.
 I love Kate's intense face on this one.  She really liked coloring on the eggs before dying them.
 Perry was a good sport with it all even though he couldn't really join in.  Maybe next year!
 Ben's favorite thing to do with the eggs this year was the put shrink wraps on them.  He was a master of the hair dryer!

 Our creations turned our perfect.  Very eclectic but lots of fun!

 After egg dying we headed over to Granna and Grandaddy's for the first fire and s'mores of the year.  The weather was beautiful and we all enjoyed roasting marshmallows and making s'mores.

Everyone was worn out after a long day of fun!

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