Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Rest of Easter

You will have to bear with the lots of pictures in this post.  I want to get through the Easter weekend.  Saturday we did the kids Easter baskets.  We like doing it before Sunday.  
 They were both really excited about their new goodies.  Nothing too spectacular but just a few fun new things.

 I spent most of my Saturday working on making this cake.  It was a strawberry lemonade cake that was on the cover of Southern Living this month.  After a cake disaster 10 years ago I swore never to make another cake again.  This one just looked so good so I braved it.  It turned out beautiful.  It was very hard to do.  Took about 4 hours and I am not so sure it tasted that great but I did it!
 We hosted a little egg hunt with the McClure family.  We wanted to reach out to some of our neighbors we don't know as well.  We had several new faces come so that was good.  The kids had a great time getting to hunt eggs with their friends.  
 At the end of the day Saturday Kate was filthy!!!!  I am not sure how she got so dirty but she did so it must have been a good day!
 Sunday we woke up ready for an awesome day of worship and time with family.  We started the day with cake.  Because every day should start that way.  We had our traditional tomb cake for breakfast.
 We then went to church.  It was packed!!  I mean not a seat to be found.  It was amazing worshiping with so many people.  We are really enjoying our new church and it was great to be there on Easter.  The sermon was awesome on what the impact of the cross.  After church we headed over to Matt's Aunt Judi's house for a get together with his family.  We ate lots of yummy food and enjoyed time with the family.  Can't believe how big all the cousins are getting.
 Then there was a fun egg hunt.  Since Ben and Kate are really the only young ones they got lots of eggs!!

 We then headed back to our house for dinner with my family.  It was our first time to host a big holiday dinner but I think it went really well.  It wasn't too stressful.  We had a simple dinner but it was great.
 I used my fancy dishes which I don't know if I have ever used before.
 I did a fun little table for the kids.
 They loved eating at it together.  Perry did great.  I think he sat better than Kate.
It was a perfect Easter weekend full of fun, family, friends and worship.

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