Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Newsman Ben

Ben got to have a really neat experience last week.  The top prize for reading over 500 books during Parade of Readers was a tour of a local TV station and to watch them do the 5:00 news.  He was excited to see what the news was all about.  Matt went with him so I don't have much great commentary on the pictures but I am sure it was lots of fun.  They were both full of stories from the tour.  They got to see the newsroom and meet the local TV personalities who are celebrities I guess.  
 They sat on the side of the set during the whole newscast and watched it.  They were even featured in a little segment on the news that night.
 After the news they got to do a little checking out of the set and learning about green screens.

Proud of our little guy and how well he did reading!!

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