Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's Over!!!

Parade of Readers is over!!!!  Not that anyone around here is excited about that or anything.  Really it was a wonderful 5 weeks of reading.  It is a perfect thing for 1st graders to do but it is also very tough!  We saw Ben's reading skills progress so much during this time.  He also now loves to read.  That's what it is all about.  This was him mid last week with all his chains on the wall.  
Friday they had a big ending rally.  They had guest readers and then did a balloon release where they wrote postcards with how many books they read.  

 Ben read 545 books!!!!  AWESOME!!!!  So proud of him.  We now have a giant bag of chains to do something with.  For reading over 500 books he gets to go on a tour of a local TV station this week.  He is really excited about that.  
I am thankful that right now I am not having to fill out any more of those chains!  

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