Saturday, April 12, 2014

Trike A Thon

Kate's little school held a trike a thon for St. Jude's yesterday.  Unfortunately I couldn't be there because I had to go to a meeting in Birmingham.  I hated to miss it but there were plenty of stand in people there.  Kate was excited all week learning about bike safety and raising money for sick children.  I heard she did really well riding her bike!
 My parents were able to go cheer her on.  All the kids were supposed to wear green so the Team Gary shirts were perfect.  There were quite a few Team Gary members out there.   The teachers and directors of MCDC have been so sweet and supportive of our family this year.  They daily tell me they are praying for my dad.  It has been such a blessing.  So it was so great he could be there and tell them thanks and show his support for their hard work to raise money for cancer research.

 Kate and some of her sweet friends.  We just love her little friends at school.
 Her class with their popsicles after the big ride.  Looks like so much fun.

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