Thursday, April 10, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Baby Ben Goes to Denver

I started this blog when Ben was 15 months old.  That means there are lots (and I mean lots because he was our first child) of pictures that never made it onto the blog.  I will try to go back and include some over the next few months on Thursdays (when I remember). 

 I thought I would start today with the trip we took out to Denver when Ben was just 3 months old.  Matt had a conference out there so Ben and I tagged along.  Matt and I celebrated our 4th anniversary while we were there and Matt had his 1st father's day.  It was a fun trip.  Ben went on his first plane ride.  He did awesome!  Not a peep.   
 We got to do several fun things while we were there.  We went outside of the city to do some hiking in the mountains.  So beautiful!

 We went to the aquarium one day.  It was fun.  Ben loved seeing all the fish.

 We went to the state capital building.  We stood in the exact 1 mile high spot.

Ben got to go swimming for the very first time in the hotel pool.  He wasn't to sure what to think.  
 We went to eat at Elway's for our anniversary.  A nice lady at the table across from us paid for us to have dessert because she thought were such a sweet looking little family.  We went to a Rockies game on Father's Day.
It was a fun first trip for our little family!!  I love seeing pictures of sweet little Ben!!

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