Thursday, April 3, 2014

This Week

Whew!  This week has been a little crazy!!  I guess getting back into the swing of things after spring break is harder than I thought it would be.  It has been busy.  I feel like I have barely sat down.  

I have had to work a lot this to catch up from being off most of last week.  I did take some time to redo my little office area.  After working in this office for over 7 years I am finally settling in.  I added some family pictures and a degree!  
 Kate had dance on Tuesday.  I think this is my new favorite picture of all time.  I love these sweet girls and am so thankful the friendship I have with their moms and their friendship already.
 Ben went to the eye doctor on Tuesday after school.  On the way we were talking about how he has been going to the eye doctor for so many years now.  He has probably been to more appointments than most adults.  His eyes are doing well.  They remain stable.  Dr. Jen was a little disappointed because she wanted them to improve but we are happy with stable.  He actually doesn't have to go back for an entire year.  That is just crazy!!  I don't know what we will do without a visit for so long.
 My dad had an appointment at the same time so I thought they looked cute with their little sunglasses.
 Kate and I were playing around one night with hot rollers to practice hairstyles for her upcoming dance recital.  Love her hair!!
 It is the biannual yard sale week in Hampton Cove!!  Always one of my favorite Saturdays of the year.  I decided to have a big yard sale this time.  It is amazing how much junk we have!  So I have spent every available moment pricing and getting ready for the big day.
 So last week it was freezing with snow flurries at time.  This week it skipped right over spring and went straight to summer.  Highs have been in the mid 80's.  Kate was begging to go to the pool but since that wasn't an option I let her put on her swim suit and run through the sprinkler.  Her and Addy looked so cute in their matching suits!  So excited for warmer weather and fun times outside.
Well that gets you all caught up on our week.  It has been busy but fun as always!

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