Monday, April 7, 2014

Yard Sale Weekend

We had a super busy weekend!  It was yard sale weekend which means lots of work with some fun mixed in.  It started Friday night with Ben's first baseball game.  He is playing coach pitch this year so it is a big jump from tee ball.  He is enjoying getting to be with his friends.  
 I was a little nervous since it was the first time the ball was being thrown at him.  He did really well though.  He is working hard and we are so proud of him.  They had a little preseason tournament and his team won their first game on Friday night so they played again mid day Saturday.  They lost the second game in a close one (so I heard I couldn't be there).
 The big event of the weekend was the yard sale!!  We were up late on Friday getting things ready and then up way too early on Saturday.  There were a total of 6 families participating and we had a TON of stuff/junk!!!  I mean TONS!!  It was the first time we have done the sale at our house but it went really well.  We had so many people come and we sold a lot of the junk.  It is always funny to see what other people will buy.  It is always great to get rid of stuff and get some money.  We made about 20% of what we need for our Disney trip so it was well worth it.
 The rest of Saturday was spent trying to get the house back in order.  We were all exhausted after being up so early and selling and ball games.  We went to dinner at Ichiban which is one of favorite special treats.  Had to celebrate our great sale.

 Sunday morning was church with a wonderful service and celebration of the Lords Supper.  Ben was invited to a birthday party at the skating rink.  He had a blast!!  It was so funny to watch all the kids try to roller skate.  We need to practice skating I think.
 They also got to play laser tag.  Ben is now totally hooked on that!
Last night we hosted our small group at our house.  We are really enjoying our group.  It is so fun to get to share our lives with a small group of friends.  I always enjoy having people in our house so it was a fun evening.

We are recovering from all of the fun now.  Might take until next weekend...

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