Today has been a day full of remembering. Watching the coverage of 9/11 has brought me right back to that day. They call it a "significant emotional event." I have to agree. I don't think I will ever forget that day. The flood of emotions and what I did. Since this blog is a record for my kids I thought I would share my story for them years from now.
It was a Tuesday like any other Tuesday. I was a junior at Auburn and lived off campus in a townhouse with 2 friends. I didn't have class until late afternoon so I slept in a little that morning. I woke up and got online to check my email. The headline was about something that happened at the World Trade Center. I figured it had to do with the 1993 attack but I clicked on it. It talked about how a plane had just flown into one of the towers. I went and flipped on the TV while I ate breakfast. I watched a second plane fly into the other tower. I think that is when I realized something was really wrong. Both of my roommates had early classes so I was all alone watching the coverage. It just kept unfolding right in front of my eyes as I sat on that ugly black couch! I could not believe what I was seeing. I distinctly remember the feeling of hopelessness and fear. It was one report after another of attacks. They had no idea what was going on. I called Matt and told him what was going on as he was getting ready to head to class. Both of my roommates came one since most classes had been cancelled. We sat and watched the events unfold all day long. We watched the buildings fall. It was just total shock and disbelief.
Even now I struggle with those feelings of disbelief. As I look at the images I am taken right back to that day. One of the things I vividly remember was wondering how things were ever supposed to go back to "normal." How were we supposed to move on. We did move on. I think about how much my life has changed in 10 years. I have 2 college degrees, I am married, have moved 5 times, have 2 kids and own a house. But I will never forget that one day as a college student. Through it all I remember the comfort I had in knowing God was totally in control! Even now 10 years later we can even more see His hand through it all.
My dad has one of the best stories about 9/11. He was flying home on a military plane from Greenland. They were in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean when the first plane hit. They were able to continue flying into the country since they were a military plane. They were one of the only planes even flying in the entire country. They flew over NYC and he was able to see the smoke billowing up. He has an amazing story. Here is the picture as he flew over the city.
3 years ago
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