So about 3 months ago we decided to get rid of cable. It really hasn't been that big of a deal over the summer. No real new shows and we stayed so busy we didn't notice. Now that fall has hit we are noticing the lack of TV a little more. Football games have been a serious issue but we have worked that out with ESPN 360 on the computer hooked up to the TV. We can watch most of our "shows" on the computer so no real big deal. The biggest issue was being able to watch The Amazing Race. It is our all time favorite show! We watched it for the first time on our honeymoon and we have been hooked ever since! We love it!! It combines some of our favorite things in travel and competition. We really hope to be able to be on it one day. Seriously we have filled out applications in the past just never turned them in. We really want to do it!
Thankfully we are able to watch it the day after it comes on TV on the computer!! So last night was the big premiere night! I baked brownies and we gathered around the computer to watch! It is going to be great as usual. I love that we can all watch it together. The kids love all the challenges and the competition as well. Such fun family times and memories!
3 years ago
We have not had cable for a few years, but we could always get basic local channels. Since the Amazing Race is on CBS, you should be able to get the show. I also watch on Hulu so I can watch a few episodes together without commercials. Now that we don't have a TV (only a projector and computer setup), we have an external TV tuner device ( that allows us to pick up air channels on the computer. The Amazing Race is one of the few shows I love to watch in addition to sports!
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