So the past couple of days our family has been a little bit in shock. My parents went out to MD Anderson last week to get a second opinion on my dad. To make a very long story short they got some really amazing news. The doctor does not believe my dad has pancreatic cancer but bile duct cancer. After 6 months of believing he had pancreatic cancer we are all just in shock (really no other word to describe it). This is still a very bad cancer but there are many more treatment options and prognosis is better.
We are so very thankful to God!!!!!! I was thinking back to the post I wrote a couple of weeks ago about how God is the one who is in control and I am slowly learning that. Well, once again He proved how in control He is. He has a big giant, huge plan and we are just along for the ride. We are trying to not look at this as a misdiagnosis but instead as part of God's plan to bring my dad to this point and to work towards continued healing. We are so thankful for all the prayers and support from our friends and family. I know we shouldn't be so surprised at this turn of events because it is exactly what we have been praying for but that just shows how small our faith is. We serve a God who is so big and we are so little!!!!
3 years ago
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