The reason for our pit stop yesterday was a trip to Mississippi. Matt is speaking today at The Mississippi Hospital Pharmacists Association meeting in Jackson. We figured it would be a good chance to get away and have a little family vacation. Although I have lived next to Mississippi my entire life, I don't think I have ever spent the night in Mississippi. Had to get a picture as we crossed into Mississippi.
We are staying at on old historic hotel in Jackson. this is the view out the window of our room. It is like a scene out of a movie about the Old South. Really what you think of about the South. I must say I do like Alabama much better than Mississippi.
We went over to the state capital building to get a Team Gary picture.
And had to get our traditional picture on the steps in front of the capital with the kids. Hopefully one day we will have all 50 states with them in front of the capital buildings.
We then walked over to the governor's mansion.
Funny story about our dinner - We ate at a local Jackson place and when we walked in all we saw were people dressed in Alabama Crimson Tide gear. It was the local meeting of the fan club. We thought we could get away from the Bamers but we ran into everyone of them in Jackson. The kids love staying in hotels so of course they had a great night!
Matt is off speaking now. I know he will do great! It is the exciting topic of Oncology Emergencies. :)
We have enjoyed our quick trip. I can finally cross of spending the night in Mississippi.