We are home from our wonderful week at the beach. I have to admit I was not too excited about the trip. We go every year and most years the kids complain and don't enjoy the beach all that much. This year was totally different. We all had a wonderful time. The weather was great the whole time and everything was perfect. It was so relaxing!! The beach is such a simple trip. Most days are just about the same. We get up and have a lazy morning. We head down to the beach around 10:00 am or so. We spend 2-3 hours on the beach before heading back for lunch and some swimming in the pool. The afternoon is laid back and relaxing before dinner either in the condo or out. 7 days of this was just wonderful.
The kids were so much more into the sand this year. Ever since he was a baby Ben has hated sand. He actually did a little digging this year. Kate loved it and built a different castle each day.
We enjoyed walks on the beach some nights. The sunsets are so beautiful at the beach.
Everyone's favorite part was the ocean. There were some great waves and the kids loved getting out in them!
On Wednesday afternoon the Wrights joined us!! It was the 5th annual Eckley/Wright beach trip! We look forward to our time with them each year. It is great to have friends join us.
We let the kids watch movies each night and we stayed up late playing games! Lots of Settlers and cards. We all love it!!
This was Kate's sandman - Olaf.
Thursday night we went to the Wharf for dinner at our favorite restaurant The Complete Angler. We had a great time with all the activities around the wharf.
My favorite part was watching the girls dance to a live band. They were so cute!
Of course there was a ride on the Ferris Wheel. LeeAnn was the only one brave enough to do it this year with the kids. She was super mom!
We then had ice cream and did a little conga line!
Kate loved that she and I were twins one day!
We all enjoyed some Wii and competed in several ping pong tournaments.
It was such a fun trip with so many wonderful memories!!