Our sweet baby girl is 18 months old today!! I cannot believe it. She is closer to being 2 than 1. That makes me a little sad. Where has the time gone? I thought I would update a little on what she is up to these days.
Miss Kate is spunky!!! She has got a personality that just keeps us laughing and guessing. I really do believe she is 18 months going on about 5 years old. I also think she thinks that she is 4. She wants to do everything that Ben does plus some!! The child has no fear and wants to try new things all the time. She is a climber. She likes to climb the stove and on the back of the couch and sit on the half wall in our living room. The girl also has an attitude to boot!! She lets you know what she likes and doesn't like. She will throw herself on the floor and kick and scream. Even with all of the spunkiness she is such a sweetheart. She loves to cuddle and really is concerned about others even at such a young age.
She is babbling all the time these days. She tries to mimic everything we say. Her words are getting clearer. Right now she is really into animals and animal sounds. She loves to play with toys. Her dollhouse is a favorite right now. She loves to tuck the baby into bed and have the mama rock her. I think it is so sweet!! She also loves to stroll her baby dolls. Just recently she has begun to be interested in TV. She will sit and watch for about 10 minutes (a lifesaver when I need to get something done). Her favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She just loves Minne Mouse! She loves books!!! I really think she could read books for hours. Sometimes I will lay her down for a nap with books in her crib and she will read them for about 30 minutes before falling asleep. She still loves to play peek-a-boo and patty cake. We have recently taught her thumbs up and how to do fist bumps which she loves! She loves to play outside. If the word outside is even just mentioned she runs to the door!
She continues to grow like a weed! I am not sure exactly what she weighs but I am guessing it is a little over 24 pounds. She is wearing 18 month clothes. Her foot is finally growing!! She is up to a size 3 shoe. I know I am her mom but I think she is just gorgeous! Her hair is really lightening up these days. I bet she will be almost blonde by the end of summer. Her hair is also getting more and more curly. She has ringlets that just flow down her back that are so cute!! She is already so tan. By the end of the summer she is going to be so dark.
She continues to be a great sleeper and eater. To get herself to sleep at nights and for naps she twirls her hair around her finger. It is so cute!! She will sleep for about 12 hours at night. She is also taking about a 3 hour nap during the day. But when she is up she is going full force. There is no stopping her! She is constantly running, jumping or climbing. The girl will also eat anything. She is a bottomless pit. Very rarely will she get full! She just loves to eat!!
She continues to be a super flexible little girl. She will do whatever we need her to do. She loves to follow directions and help us. We can give her simple tasks to do like putting up her shoes or toys and she will do it so willingly. She loves to clean things and put things in order! I think she is going to be a type A personality like her mama!! She loves going to school and church. On school days she picks up her backpack and lunch box and runs to the door. There is no stranger anxiety with her. She loves going places and is great to travel with! She continues to be very attached to her paci. I don't believe we will be getting rid of that anytime soon. She has also developed a love for one of Ben's chipmunks, Brittany. She sleeps with her tucked under her arm.
She continues to be a great sleeper and eater. To get herself to sleep at nights and for naps she twirls her hair around her finger. It is so cute!! She will sleep for about 12 hours at night. She is also taking about a 3 hour nap during the day. But when she is up she is going full force. There is no stopping her! She is constantly running, jumping or climbing. The girl will also eat anything. She is a bottomless pit. Very rarely will she get full! She just loves to eat!!
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