Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Special Visits

The beginning of October was a little crazy.  Lots going on but we made the best of it.  We had a special visit from my Aunt Susan and my cousin Ben's family.  We got to have a fun day of playing together one day during fall break.  The kids all had so much fun together.  
 My dad got really sick right before fall break.  He ended up in the hospital and after many, many tests we still don't know exactly what happened but we think he got an infection in his heart that broke off and went to his brain causing him to have a stroke.  Tough stuff!!!  Thankfully he is recovering now but we had some rough days in the hospital.  Thankfully we had some wonderful friends that helped us out with the kids for several days so we could spend time at the hospital.  Don't know what we would do without our friends!  By day 4 my dad was feeling better and was up to a visit from some crazy kiddos!
 These kiddos are better than any medicine!