Friday, May 29, 2015

Weekly Catch Up

Can't believe it is already Friday!!  Where did the week go??  We were busy settling into our summer routine I guess.  And summer weeks go by much faster than school weeks.  Thankfully again this summer I will get to cut back on my work days and only work 1 day a week which is great for having fun the rest of the week.  And we had some fun this week...

Monday was Memorial Day and we had a pretty normal day other than Ben playing with his buddy Kyle all day.  But that night we went over to the Wright's house for a cookout and time together.  The kids put on a play for us that was hilarious.  Love that these guys can have so much fun together!
 We spent lots of time at the pool this week.  One day Kate swam for 5 hours straight.  I was afraid she was going to turn into a fish.  The kids also spent lots of time playing with friends including playing Mall Madness.
 Tuesday Kate had her last softball game.  She finished up strong with good hits and running.  They had a little party after the game where they got cute charm bracelets!  Kate was so excited!

 This weekend it recital weekend for Kate (she is a busy girl!)  So yesterday was dress rehearsal.  We love our studio and Mrs. Haley!!  Here she is with "her babies" as she calls them.  The rehearsal went well.  It will be interesting to see how tonight goes (I give it a 50/50 shot at being ok).
 Addy got to watch dress rehearsal since she can't come to the show tonight which was lots of fun!
Well that's our week in a snapshot.  Full of fun, friends and sun!  Loving summer!!