Friday, December 19, 2014

Busy Week Before Christmas Break

 The week before Christmas break is always so very busy.  So much to get done and so much fun to be had.  We managed to survive the craziness and are enjoying the break but I thought I would catch up on what all we did this past week.  Monday our cleaners came and left us a fun little surprise!
 Tuesday was visitors day at Kate's dance class.  She has a sweet little class and it was so much fun to watch them.  She is really enjoying dance and doing so well at it.  She was over the moon that her daddy got to come see her dance!!

 Wednesday Kate stayed home from school to be my baking helper.  We made red velvet candy cane bars for the neighbors.  She was chief candy can smasher and spoon licker!

Thursday was pajama day for Ben.  He was so excited!!