Saturday, December 12, 2015

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Kate made her stage debut on Friday night!  She has loved her little theater program and they have worked hard all semester on a play that they wrote of How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  It is an update of the original play including lots of music and dancing.  She was so excited to show off all her hard work to family and friends.  All week before was tech week and there were 3 hour rehearsals everyday which included lots of work for Mom.  
 Her favorite part was getting to be with some of her sweet friends!  She loved getting to be with Kaylee and Marietta.

 Friday ended up being a tough day with my dad going to the hospital and us getting some really bad news.  Thankfully I have amazing friends that helped out with getting Kate from school and getting her hair and make up done (who hair is not easy)!!!  I can never say thanks enough to my amazing friends!

Thankfully we were able to get away from the hospital for a few hours to get to watch the debut performance.  Kate did an amazing job!!!  She was Little Girl Who #1 and her lines included lots of discussion about her list for Santa!  It was a fun play with lots of music and dancing.

 Kate said all her lines with great passion!  We were so proud of her!!
 The entire cast...  Lots of great and fun kids!

 Our beautiful little Who girl!
 She had lots of fans in the audience.

 That silly Grinch!
 They did a total of 4 performances including 3 at schools around town.  So she got really close to all her Who friends as they did more shows over the next week.
We are so proud of our girl!  She has found her "thing" with theater.  A new semester starts in January and we can't wait to see her in more performances!