Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pull Kate's Paci!

Today is a better day! Ben is still running a slight fever but I had enough of being stuck in the house so we headed out. We met Matt for lunch and ran a few errands. Getting out was a good thing!

I wanted to share a few Ben funnies that have happened as of late. He has a new thing that he is doing. He gets this funny look in his eye and walks up to Kate and pulls out her paci. He then says "Pull Kate's Paci?" Like he is surprised! It is funny. He then laughs when she starts to cry. It is sort of sad for her but funny. He does it several times a day. I guess it is a fun game for him.

A couple of funny things he has said lately...

Matt was replacing the batteries in his Batman car and Ben said "Thank you Daddy!! You are Handy Manny!"

Ben was playing with something and it missed him and he said " Missed me, missed me. Now you have to kiss me!" That cracked us up. We don't know where he learned it!

He was slow to talk but now he is catching up and really talking all the time. Not always understandable but we are learning Ben language more and more everyday! And boy what he says keeps us laughing!