Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yesterday vs. Today

Yesterday was a great day for me. Ben has been sick the last couple of days with a cough and fever so we haven't gone anywhere but I got tons done yesterday.

I washed, dried and put away 7 loads of laundry...
I cleaned 5 bathrooms (yes we have 5 bathrooms. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to build a house with that many bathrooms. It just means you have to clean 5 bathrooms!)...
I managed to keep the house straight, get some things done for work and even cook dinner. After dinner I was able to go to the gym and workout for 45 minutes. I felt like supermom! I was exhausted but it felt good.
Then today hit! So far today I have managed to do nothing. I have 2 whinny kiddos that I have been tending to. Ben still has a fever today so that has been trying. And Kate just wants some attention.
It is amazing to me how different a day can be. It was stressing me out some that I wasn't accomplishing anything but then I realized that I was accomplishing something. I was keeping these 2 beautiful children happy...
So it doesn't matter if I look back at the end of today and don't get anything on my to do list done (and everyone who knows me knows I keep a detailed to do list!) I have kept my kids dry, fed and happy. That in and of itself is a big job! I will just hope for another day like yesterday tomorrow!


Cabra said...

I love days like your yesterday!!! But you're right, you are just as much of a supermom today even though the to-do list isn't getting shorter.