Tuesday, February 15, 2011

All You Need Is Love

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

We had a great Valentine's Day!! I just love celebrating love. No there is nothing magical about February 14th that makes is so special. It is just a day to stop and be thankful for the love we have in our lives. First off the love of our Heavenly Father who is the author of all love!! Without Him there would be no love at all!! Then the love of amazing family and friends. I just think it is a great day!!

We didn't do anything really special. The kids and I did our normal Monday errands. Ben is such a sweet boy. When he woke up Ben said, "I didn't get you anything for Valentines Day." I told him that was ok. He was really upset. We went to Walmart and he saw the flowers and and wanted to get me some red roses. I felt funny buying them for myself so I told him to call his daddy. So he just called Matt and said, "I want to get mommy red roses for Valentines Day from Walmart. Pick those up for me please." It cracked me up but also made me realize what a sweetie he is. Such a tender heart. I know he will make a great Valentine for a lucky girl one day (not anytime soon!!!!).

Matt did bring him home some red roses to give to me and they are beautiful. I am going to treasure them and the memory forever! We did some fun present opening. We like to do fun little gifts for each other.

Ben got some Legos and a fun puzzle.
Matt got some scrubs, bug spray and sunscreen. I know that is so not fun but it is what he needs for his upcoming trip to Africa so I was trying to be practical!
Kate got a cute sock monkey and a fun summer outfit. She would not pose with her stuff.
I got a great picture frame and a fun Auburn scarf. I love just having a chance to tell my sweet little family how much I love them!!
We all went out to dinner together at Moe's BBQ. It was a real romantic dinner let me tell you! But it was great. We got to be together.