Friday (6/12) we woke up to a really rainy day in Denver. We didn't let the dreary skies slow up down for checking out downtown Denver. We went to the Colorado capital building. The kids got to stand on the mile high step! 5280 feet high exactly.
We drove around the downtown area and saw the Denver mint.
We picked up the Sanford kids and Eric and headed over to the Denver zoo. It was a really fun zoo with lots interesting animals. The kids had so much fun exploring with Reagan and Alex. It was so much fun to watch how quickly they become such good friends!
We even saw a grizzly bear that we didn't get to see in Yellowstone.
Everyone thought it was a really funny that I walked around all day with an Alabama backpack on. Amanda packed it with drinks and snacks and somehow I got to carry it. Ugh!
Matt was excited to see a hippo! Not many zoos have hippos.
After the zoo fun we headed back to the Lowry area for the evening. We visited a couple of parks while learning about the area. There are so many people that need to hear about Jesus and His love. The Sanfords have a big job ahead of them! We spent time praying for the area and that the residents would have receptive hearts to the gospel. We also went to the parks to play and interact with some of the residents. Ben and Alex did a great job of playing wiffle ball to draw other kids so they could talk to them. It was a great way to teach our kids a little about what it means to be a missionary.
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