Friday, February 19, 2010

Flashback (Way Back) Friday

The age old question of "who does the baby look like" has been asked a lot lately. I am never really good at telling who babies look like. They look like babies to me! It cracks me up how one person will say "Kate looks just like Matt" and then the next person will say "she looks just like you." And everyone has different opinions on if she looks like Ben or not. So I thought all you blog readers could weigh in. Who do you think looks like who? I don't have any pictures of baby Matt so just imagine.

Kate at 1 week old
Ben at 1 day old
Kate at 3 months
Ben at 3 months
And for the way back part - Emily as a baby


Simplicity By Christy said...

Good Gravy! Kate is you! Amazing!