Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Power of Play

We are enjoying a nice quiet day at home. That is always good after a few busy days. We are playing, making Valentines cookies and getting updates from LeeAnn. Baby Paige is coming and will be here sometime this afternoon!!! Later I am heading to the doctor. I have been sick for about 2 weeks and just haven't made time to go to the doctor. But I am finally breaking down and going. Gotta get better. I haven't been to the doctor for a "sick" visit since I was 18. Don't know what to expect.
I have a confession to make. I don't really enjoy playing with my kiddos all that much. It is fun for a little bit but it gets boring fast. It is also very hard to do when I have other things I would rather be doing. I feel guilty when I turn on the TV to get some things done.

This year I am trying to read more non fiction books. I heard a wise lady once say that as a stay at home mom it is our job to read up on the job. If I was working full time I would have to do continuing education so I need to do my mommy continuing education. I am working on reading some parenting books. Right now I am reading a really great one by Laurie Winslow Sargent called "The Power of Parent-Child Play." It is teaching me all about how to play with Ben and Kate. I am really enjoying it. It has wonderful suggestions on how to play including quick fun 5 minute play ideas. It also focuses on how to improve your attitude when playing. I am learning it is not about me but about the kids but also not to beat myself up about not enjoying playing. It has really changed how I play. I am also working on focusing on specific play times to really give them so good focused attention. Then also focusing on fostering good independent play time. I would highly suggest you read it if you are interested in learning more about playing. It is great because it provide easy things you can do right away.
That being said we had some really fun play time this morning that I thought I would share with you. Ben is really getting more imaginative these days. His new favorite game to play is "island." This is where all the hardwoods in our house are shark filled ocean and the rugs and furniture are islands. There are boats and all sorts of other fun things in this game. We had a blast playing this morning.

Pillows are boats that I pull him around the ocean in. I guess mommy gets eaten by the sharks.

Here he is on the island.

The couch is a cruise ship and he pretends to nap.

Here he is swimming through the water being chased by sharks.
I set up his giraffe tent on the island for some more fun time (I didn't know I needed a degree in building science to build the tent - it only took 20 minutes to figure out). He set up his Batman toys in the tent for some good independent play time.
I can't say that I love to play yet but I am enjoying the time with my kids more and that is what matters. I want our house to be full of laughter a fun times!


Amanda said...

I'm so glad you mentioned that book! I am definitely going to look into getting it. I don't enjoy playing much, but I know that it is something very important to do with our children. So anything that gives ideas and suggestions would be great! I've been reading a lot of "parenting" books too lately. Creative Correction had a lot of good ideas, and Jared and I took a Growing Kids God's Way class at church which was amazing. Also, not really a parenting book, but The Power of a Praying Parent book has really taught me the importance of covering the details of our children's lives in prayer every day.

Laurie Winslow Sargent said...

OK, so now you made me cry! Thank you so much for you wonderfully kind words about my book. The publishing business is pretty rough these days, so anytime a stranger finds a book of mine and is able to use it to draw closer to her kids, I can't describe how that feels. You made my day! Week! Year!

I love the way you played "island" with your child--what fun!

I used to play a similar game at the park with my daughter. As long as she was on the playground equipment I (the "monster") could not get her (to eat her, of course). She would squeal with delight as she'd hop from the jungle gym to the slide trying to keep her feet from touching the ground.

I would love to connect with you more personally! If you care to e-mail me, my address is

Thanks again, and God bless you!


Laurie Winslow Sargent said...

Oops! Typo! Of course I meant YOUR wonderfully kind words. I'd better go put my contacts in so I can actually see what I'm typing ...